The project
Townlab_MEET is a project initiative promoted under the Europe for Citizens programme, action 2.2 of “Networks of cities – democratic engagement and civic participation”.
Townlab_MEET intends to promote transnational relations between bodies and citizens of different areas of the continent, thanks to a partnership which includes organizations from Eastern, Central and Southern Europe and a structured schedule of international meetings and research activities, as well as information and awareness rising. Among the most debated topical issues at EU level, due to the complex management of reception and of resulting processes of social integration, immigration is one of the most tangible phenomena at local level, with direct repercussions on the daily life of each community. Assuming that one of the pillars of the European Agenda for Immigration is “honouring the moral duty to protect: a strong and well-established “common European asylum policy”, that the reception is important but not sufficient, the project aims to activate mechanisms for cultural inclusion and contamination, so as to prevent the spread of xenophobic ideologies and to eradicate resentment towards migrants.
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