What is "Townlab_MEET"?
Townlab_MEET intends to promote transnational relations between bodies and citizens of different areas of the continent, thanks to a partnership which includes organizations from Eastern, Central and Southern Europe and a structured schedule of international meetings and research activities, as well as information and awareness rising.
To implement the understanding of European policies by EU citizens by means of:
a) a two-way process of analysis and research with the aim of framing the phenomenon of immigration, a study of the regulatory framework and the role of institutions (from EU level to local administrations level), as well as focusing on opportunities in the areas of employment, training, education and social security services
b) programming of public information events in these six involved countries, which are useful to raise awareness of citizens, stakeholders, refugees and asylum seekers about the instruments adopted by the EU
c) widespread dissemination and sharing of information through different types of communication channels (brochures, printed media, web pages, social networks, radio, TV, etc.)
To pursue the democratic and civic participation of European citizens by means of:
a) conducting workshops, thematic tables and focus groups with the application of participatory methodologies, stimulating the comparison between stakeholders from different countries and giving priority to the active involvement of civil society and stakeholders directly involved in social integration processes (asylum seekers, refugees, operators of reception centres, etc.)
b) carrying out structured interviews and statistical surveys, sampling subjects of different nationalities, roles, ages and citizenships
c) experimentation with electronic platforms of participatory democracy on different types of themes (labour market, services, social inclusion, etc.)
To encourage intercultural dialogue, social commitment and struggle against stigmatisation of migrants, by means of:
a) replicability of the pilot project "Lab Fraternité/Fraternità" tested within the framework of the Call "Twinning between cities" of Europe, for citizens from municipalities of Quincinetto and Marnaz
b) exchange and receptivity during cultural initiatives and public events (e.g. guided tours of reception centres) and experimentation with unconventional languages (e.g. community social theatre and blues music)
c) involvement of European students, young people from outside the EU and unaccompanied minors in playful and educational workshops of creative thinking
d) sharing of pilot projects on labour inclusion of migrants (social agriculture) and widespread reception (experience of Chiesanuova in the framework of the Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees)
The expected results

platforms of participatory democracy

01 -
A research laboratory of solutions
02 -
A telematic platform for discussion on policies and strategies in the local area
03 -
A tool to facilitate the dialogue of public/private subjects and citizenship through the creation of a community

Information and participation

To share, to promote and to develop new innovative solutions